Scientific Program
Daily Program - July 5, 2017 (Wed)
09:00 - 10:30 | Session 07 - Biocontrol by LAB Chair: Wilhelm H. Holzapfel (Handong Global Univ., Korea) |
Auditorium 1 |
09:00 KS7 | Exploring new antimicrobial avenues for bacteriocins Dzung B. Diep (Norwegian Univ. of Life Sciences, Norway) |
09:30 IS7-01 | Characterization of bacteriocinogenic Pediococcus acidilactici HW01 from malt and its application to control beer spoilage lactic acid bacteria Wang June Kim (Dongguk Univ., Korea) |
09:50 IS7-02 | The acid-stress responses of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG in yogurt Sejong Oh (Chonnam National Univ., Korea) |
10:10 IS7-03 | Cell Surface display of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus antigen in Lactobacillus sp. Dae-Kyung Kang (Dankook Univ., Korea) |
09:00 - 10:30 | Session 08 - Health Claim Chair: Kwang-Sei Lim (Danone Pulmuone Co., Korea) |
Auditorium 2 |
09:00 KS8 | Use of gastrointestinal models to study interactions of LAB and intestinal microbiota: adaptation of an adult, human model (SHIME) to baby and piglet Veronique Delcenseri (Univ of Liege, Belgium) |
09:30 IS8-01 | Immunomodulatory function of lipoteichoic acid from probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum Seok-Seong Kang (Dongguk Univ., Korea) |
09:50 IS8-02 | Changes in Regulation of Health Functional Foods 73 Kwonsoo Kang (Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, Korea) |
10:10 IS8-03 | Dairy Industry and HACCP in Korea Kiyoon Chang (KAHAS, Korea) |
09:00 - 10:30 | Session 09 - Development of Probiotics Chair: Nam Soo Han (Chungbuk Nat’l Univ., Korea) |
Auditorium 1 |
09:00 KS9 | Development of designer lactic acid bacteria for biocontrol of pathogens Arjan Narbad (Food Research Institute, UK) |
09:30 IS9-01 | Development of evidence-based probiotic strains and genome based assessments Geun Eog Ji (Seoul Nat’l Univ., Korea) |
09:50 IS9-02 | Overproduction of bioactive ingredients by lactic acid bacteria Byong Hoon Lee (McGill Univ., Canada) |
10:10 IS9-03 | Evaluation Aflatoxin B1 Detoxification by L. paracasei TD3 IBRC-M
10784 and L. brevis TD4 IBRC-M 10790 in Broilers 78 Maryam Tajabadi Ebrahimi (Islamic Azad Univ., Iran) |
10:30 - 10:50 | Coffee Break | |
10:50 - 12:00 | Session 10 – Short Communication Chair: Hak-Jong Choi (World Institute of Kimchi, Korea) |
Auditorium 1 |
10:50 ST-01 | The Development of Lactic Acid Bacteria Industry in Korea Kook-Hee Kang (Sungkyunkwan Univ., Korea) |
11:10 ST-02 | Characterization and Identification of DNA’S Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB)
of Dadih Lintau (Tanah Datar District) which is Antibiotic Resistance Endang P. Rahayuningsih (Univ. of Andalas, Indonesia) |
11:20 ST-03 | Characteristics Lactic Acid Bacteria isolated Indigenous Microorganisms
of Tomato Waste for Quality Improvement in Organic Fertilizer Tinda Afriani (Univ. of Andalas, Indonesia) |
11:30 ST-04 | Protein Display on the Cell Surface of Lactobacillus plantarum for the
Production of Prebiotic Oligosaccharide Thu-Ha Nguyen (Univ. of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria) |
11:40 ST-05 | Characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Arenga pinnata
Merr. as a Probiotic in Lima Puluh Kota District West Sumatra Indonesia Ferawati (Andalas Univ., Indonesia) |
11:50 ST-06 | Quality Evaluation of Yogurt Produced Using Cow’s Milk Incorporated
with Adlay (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) Inish C. P. Mesias (Visayas State Univ., Philippines) |
10:50 - 12:10 | Session 11 – Short Communication Chair: Kyung-Sik Han (Sahmyook University, Korea) |
Auditorium 2 |
10:50 ST-07 | Utilization of Some Selected Rootcrops in the Production of Probiotic
Products Ladie A. Conde (Visayas State Univ., Philippines) |
11:00 ST-08 | The Challenges of Valuable Lactic Acid Bacterial Diversity from Thai
Indigenous Fermented Food Chartchai Khanongnuch (Chiang Mai Univ., Thailand) |
11:10 ST-09 | Glutathione System in Lactic Acid Bacteria: Synthesis, Import and
Metabolism Sarang D. Pophaly (CGKV, India) |
11:20 ST-10 | Effects of Bifidobacteria in the Hydrolysis of Polyphenols Glycosides Ruiqing Yao (Next Generation Science Institute, Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd., Japan) |
11:30 ST-11 | Genomic Mining and Surface Display Analysis of a Lactobacillus RIB
-repeat Protein Shows Enhanced Adhesion to Mucus and IL-10 Induction Valerie D. Valeriano (Dankook Univ., Korea) |
11:40 ST-12 | The Effect of Probiotic on Regulation of Intestinal Immunity and
Improvement of Gut Microbiota Ting-Yu Lee (Synbiotech Inc., Taiwan) |
11:50 ST-13 | Effect of SYNSEA® Feedad on Growth Performance, Immunity and
Antimicrobial ability of white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Hsiaotung Chang (Synbiotech Inc., Taiwan) |
12:00 ST-14 | The Effect of Nitrogen Compound and Glucose on the Uricase Production
by Lactobacillus plantarum Dad-13 Handayani Isti (Jenderal Soedirman Univ., Indonesia) |
10:50 - 11:45 | Young Scientist Competition Chair: Won-Jae Lee (Gyeongsang National University, Korea) |
Auditorium 3 |
10:50 YSC-01 | Food-grade Expression Vector, pCB4170, for Metabolic Engineering of
Lactic acid Bacteria Jieun Heo (Chungbuk Nat'l Univ., Korea) |
10:55 YSC-02 | In vitro Modulation of the Human Intestinal Microbial Community by
Polysaccharides: Carrageenan, Porphyran, Laminarin, Fucoidan,
and Ulvan Hyunbin Seong (Chungbuk Nat'l Univ., Korea) |
11:00 YSC-03 | Anti-Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci (VRE) Activity of Lactococcus
lactis KA-FF 1-4 in Gut Stimulation System Sa-ngapong Plupjeen (Kasetsart Univ., Thailand) |
11:05 YSC-04 | Removal of the Targeted Plasmid by CRISPR/Cas9 System in
Leuconostoc citreum Seul Ah Kim (Chungbuk Nat'l Univ., Korea) |
11:10 YSC-05 | Investigating the Correlation between Microbiome and Ketosis in
Holstein Dairy Cow Po-Wen Tu (Nat'l Taiwan Univ., Taiwan) |
11:15 YSC-06 | Improvement of the Functional Characteristics of Low fat Mozzarella
Cheese by Exopolysaccharide-producing Lactic Acid Bacteria Yu-Chun Chang (Nat'l Taiwan Univ., Taiwan) |
11:20 YSC-07 | Characterization of Lipase from Food Microorganism for Margarine
Production Yi-Lu Wu (Nat'l Taiwan Univ., Taiwan) |
11:25 YSC-08 | Characterization and Probiotic Potential of a Novel Lactobacillus
Strains isolated from Jeotgal, as an Antagonist to
Vibrio parahaemolyticus Bao Le (Chonnam Nat'l Univ., Korea) |
11:30 YSC-09 | Probiotics as a Potent Agent for Controlling Gut Pathogen Infections:
Capitalizing the Benefits of Lactobacillus- Salmonella Microbial
Interaction Michael A. C. Nicdao (Univ. of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines) |
11:35 YSC-10 | Screening of Butyrate Producing Bacteria from Human Feces as
Potential Probiotic Bacteria for Gut Health Atchareeya Nakkarach (Kasetsart Univ., Thailand) |
11:40 YSC-11 | Differences in Stress Sensitivity of Various Murine Models in Relation
to the Gut Microbiota Composition Eun C. Huang (Handong Global Univ., Korea) |
12:10 - 12:40 | Closing & Award | Auditorium 1 |